This Sporting Life: Ben goes fishing

Cartoon from the Glasgow Looking Glass, 1825

Fishing and writing go together like the ALP and Howard-era immigration policies. The Compleat Angler was written by Izaak Walton in 1653 and is widely considered to be one of the earliest sporting books ever published.

If Ernest Hemingway wasn’t drinking or hunting or passing on suicidal genes to his offspring, he was fishing. I present to you my own fishing tale and, like all good stories, the main character learns a lesson. Continue reading

A licence to be a grown up

Just a couple of GROWNUPs

The tension between individual liberty and the greater good is one governments must continually grapple with.

Nobody likes be told What To Do but should we Do It and It turns out to be a bad idea, most people like the idea of a social safety net.

Voters want lower taxes but they also want the same, if not more, government services. Greece is currently exhibit A in how badly this situation can end. Continue reading

Remember, remember it’s not just Movember

Laziest Movember ever.

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, people all around Australia will pause to think: “Look at that poor bastard with the under-construction soup-strainer blighting his upper lip. Give him some money so he’ll go away.”

It’s Movember, a time of the year when men are allowed to unleash their inner-Village Person – all in the name of charity. Continue reading

The missing stories of the Asian Century

This Friday the Chinese Communist Party will hold its 18th National Congress.

The event will anoint Xi Jinping as President as well as making decisions on an economy that, while still outperforming the rest of the world by a considerable margin, is starting to slow down. Think of it as the ultimate gathering of faceless men. Continue reading